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31 May 2017

Getting involved to secure our future

Winter and spring 2017 provided the opportunity to travel across the province of Quebec to attend the 13 regional consultations, during which we discussed a host of issues and asked ourselves some questions concerning activism.

Member involvement isn’t what it used to be, as can be observed in all political parties. But how are we talking about politics in our families, at work, in our networks (personal and social) and in our media? Are we ever talking about it other than to criticize this decision, that project, these behaviours? In a democracy, we should be able to express outrage at what’s unacceptable, but are we ever trying to do something that’s significantly constructive?


Several reasons can explain the lack of interest in politics in general and the cynicism regarding policies in particular: the multitude of causes that can be supported, fast-paced lives, difficulty reconciling personal and professional lives, and an impression of not belonging, to name a few.


And yet, the enormous challenges that our societies are facing are larger than life! No need to look further than the tragedy experienced by our fellow citizens who lost everything during the spring flooding. Climate change is likely to wreak of all kinds of havoc in the coming years. How do we evolve into a resilient society to face these challenges; to overcome them, minimize their damage, protect our families, protect ourselves and our property?


The digital revolution has simplified our lives in many ways and has made possible things that could only be dreamed of 25-30 years ago, such as seeing loved ones remotely with the FaceTimes and Skypes of this world. The wonders of the digital era have a darker side, however. How do we prevent cyberattacks? How do we recover from them and how do we not become completely paralyzed when they occur?


The third industrial revolution has already begun to transform our economy and promises to leave a great deal of room for the communal, for trade and the social economy. The working world will become quite different from the one we know today—how will we adapt to it? How will our schools prepare the workers of tomorrow? How will we make a living as lower-skilled and service-related tasks continue to be automated as we stare down the barrel of artificial intelligence?


These are just a few issues and questions which will require intense brainstorming and collective solutions. In my opinion, all citizens can contribute to advancing a cause they cherish with the democratic vehicle that is the Quebec Liberal Party.


A word to the wise…

Linda Caron
President of the Policy Committee