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Long-terme health care facilities that are better adapted, seniors that are better supported

D16 – The leader of the Quebec Liberal Party, Mr. Philippe Couillard, wants to better meet the needs of people requiring housing in a long-term health care facility, offer them an attentive ear, break seniors’ isolation and ensure that government action takes their realities into consideration.

To do this, in a second mandate a QLP government is committed to:

Creating 1 500 new spaces in long-term health care facilities

  • These spaces will be developed with particular attention to adapting environments for those dealing with cognitive impairments, such as Alzheimer’s disease. Specific wards will be reserved for them and their design will be adapted to meet their specific needs.
  • 500 of these spaces will be reserved for people 65 and under who need to live in a long-term health care facility. As much as possible, these people will be grouped together so that they can live in an environment that meets their specific needs with people who are experiencing similar realities.

Supporting the deployment of a Quebec-wide helpline for seniors

  • The TEL-AÎNÉS help line allows seniors to anonymously discuss the issues they face in their daily lives, which helps break isolation.

Considering the aging population in the development of government actions

  • An impact study on seniors will be systematically included in the development process for every policy, law or government action.

These commitments will require investments totalling $525M for the construction of long-term health care facility spaces and $132M annually for their operation, as well as $1.5M for the deployment of the seniors’ help line.

These investments are complementary to the commitments made to improve home care, in particular the $200M to hire additional staff and better recognize the profession of beneficiary assistant. They are added to the current work to renovate spaces in existing long-term health care facilities.

I support this commitment

I support this commitment

Making life easier for our seniors means preparing more spaces and better adapted housing for those who need it. It’s also ensuring that we are listening to seniors and offering them services that seek to break isolation.

We already announced commitments for home care, but sometimes people require housing. That is why, today, we are announcing additional housing spaces. 1500 spaces is significant.


Philippe Couillard, Premier of Quebec and leader of the Quebec Liberal Party