The leader of the Quebec Liberal Party, Philippe Couillard, wants to encourage academic success among Quebecers who choose to pursue post-secondary studies by providing them with additional support as they enter cégep or university. To deal with the workforce shortages, he also wants to encourage them to choose “nontraditional” professions.
To do so, in a second mandate the Liberal government will work on four fronts:
- Develop a national strategy to prevent and fight against mental health problems and implement travelling teams of mental health experts in Quebec’s post-secondary institutions;
- Deploy the Pairs Aidants Program in all Quebec’s cégeps to better accompany students who have financial problems or difficulties with learning, as soon as they enter cégep
- Launch a national consultation on financial compensation for internships associated with college and university training;
- Offer admission bursaries in study programs that lead to non-traditional professions and implement a national promotional campaign for these professions.
These measures will total investments of $61M over the next 4 years.
Our vision for education: act early and act throughout their entire journey
Act early:
- Educational services for 4-year-old children will be free, whether they are enrolled in 4-year-old kindergarten or childcare services;
- Educational childcare services will be part of the Ministry of Education and Higher Education to maximize coordination within both networks;
- More financial, human and material resources will be attributed to educational childcare services, for which the sector will determine the use, and the education program will be enhanced for children in childcare services;
- In addition to the teacher, a second person will oversee students in kindergarten and grade one classes;
- The intensive English class will be implemented more quickly in grades 5 and 6.
Create stimulating learning environments:
- The massive renovation project for schools will be completed in order to eliminate all of Quebec’s outdated schools by 2030;
- All expansion or construction projects will be undertaken according to the modern and innovative Lab-Écoles model;
- We will encourage the use of computer programming and coding for pedagogical uses in the majority of elementary and high schools;
- Students from public schools will benefit for materials on the cutting edge of technology;
- All Quebec’s elementary schools will have a gymnasium within 4 years by continuing the “One school, one gym” program;
- Elementary school students will be active for 60 minutes per day and physical education tests will be abolished.
Better prepare, equip and compensate teachers as well as offer better recognition for the teaching profession:
- Improve working conditions for teachers at the beginning of their careers;
- Revise and enhance initial training for students completing a bachelor’s degree in education;
- Create a national French proficiency test which will replace the current TECFÉE test;
- Throughout their careers, offer teachers ongoing training that is adapted to their needs and those of their students;
- Create a National Institute of Educational Excellence to better develop, share and disseminate pedagogical best practices and research results;
- Deploy a national campaign to recognize those working in the education sector
Facilitate accessibility to vocational and technical training:
- Increase the number of pilot projects and offer free part-time vocational training in sectors prioritized by the local area;
- Abolish school fees for all students enrolled in full-time technical training leading to a college diploma (diplôme d’études collégiales, DEC);
- Provide $12M over 4 years to teaching institutions to attract young people and adults into vocational and technical training in Quebec’s regions.
Encourage vocational and technical training programs that meet regional workforce needs and ensure the active participation of businesses in succession training:
- Abolish tuition fees for all students enrolled in part-time technical training leading to a college diploma (diplôme d’études collégiales, DEC);
- Open more smaller cohorts in vocational training;
- Offer 40 additional programs based on the 4-year workplace training model for vocational training and offer workplace training and alternating work-study training for technical training programs;
- Adapt vocational training programs to the regions’ needs and 21st-century workforce shortage challenges and implement them more quickly.
- Young people will be placed in learning environments until age 18 or until they receive a first diploma or qualification;
- Public transportation will be free for full-time students.