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Taking action to ensure our children’s educational success from ages 0 to 18

D5 – To make life easier for Quebecers, the leader of the Quebec Liberal Party, Philippe Couillard, has committed to implementing 6 concrete measures to better support children and young people.

In a second Liberal government mandate:

For children enrolled in educational childcare services

  • Educational services for 4 year-olds will be free, regardless of whether they are enrolled in 4-year-old kindergarten or in childcare services;
  • More support, more money, more material and an enhanced educational program for children in childcare services;
  • Educational childcare services will become part of the Ministry of Education and Higher Education to maximize coordination between the two networks and promote children’s success;

For elementary level students

  • In addition to the teacher, a second person will be added to preschool and first-grade classes to accompany the children (ex.: a second teacher, special education technician, resource teacher, speech therapist, psychologist, etc.);
  • The intensive English course will be implemented more quickly in 5th and 6th grades to encourage the children to master a second language;

Adapted learning paths

  • Young people will be placed in learning situations until they reach age 18, or until they acquire a first diploma or a first qualification, by offering diverse and attractive paths, such as traditional in-class learning with reduced ratios, on-the-job training, internships or professional training, to meet various needs;

These commitments represent an additional 5-year investment of 2.8 billion dollars in educational success.

I support this commitment

I support this commitment

Education is a priority we all share. From early childhood to adulthood, we want our young people to be able to fulfill their plans and their dreams. As parents, we want our children to grow up in the best possible environment; with services that are available when our child needs them; in short, we want everything to be in place to ensure their success. Through our commitments, we are providing ourselves with the means to succeed by acting early on with children, and by supporting them throughout their education, because making life easier for Quebecers also means giving children every opportunity to succeed.

– Philippe Couillard, Premier of Quebec and leader of the Quebec Liberal Party