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To Better Equip and Value our Teachers

To make Quebecers’ lives easier, in a second mandate Philippe Couillard, the leader of the QLP, has committed to enhance recognition for the teaching profession because teachers are at the very heart of our children’s educational success. We want to take action throughout teachers’ careers by ensuring renewed, quality initial training, increasing their salaries in their first years of practice, implementing continued training that is adapted to the area’s needs and ensuring the dissemination of pedagogical best practices and research results. We need to better equip them and better recognize the work they do.

 Better equip:

  • Revise and enhance the initial training for students undertaking a Bachelor’s degree in education;
  • Create a province-wide examination for mastery of the French language, replacing the current TECFEE exam;
  • Throughout their careers, offer teachers continued training that is adapted to their needs and those of their students;
  • Create a National Institute of Educational Excellence to better develop, share and disseminate pedagogical best practices and research results. 

Better value their work:

  • Improve working conditions for teachers at the beginning of their careers by eliminating the first 6 salary levels;
  • Acknowledge the indispensable contributions towards all Quebecers’ educational success, from early childhood to adulthood, which are made by those who work in our teaching establishments.
I support this commitment

I support this commitment

Collectively, we must better recognize the value of education, and in doing so, better recognize the teaching profession itself. While there are many artisans of educational success and they are all indispensable, they are also all at the very heart of developing and achieving students’ full potential. We want to better prepare them, better equip them, better support them and better compensate them. To do so, we need to be present as of their first years of training and accompany them throughout their careers. Quebec is changing and our schools are changing too. It is our responsibility to better prepare our future teachers for new realities.


Philippe Couillard, Premier of Quebec and leader of the Quebec Liberal Party