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Press release
30 May 2019

2019 Spring Flooding

 : The CAQ Has Abandoned Victims

Earlier today, the MNA representing Vaudreuil and Official Opposition Critic for Municipal Affairs, Ms. Marie-Claude Nichols, presented a motion in the National Assembly asking the CAQ government take responsibility for all expenses related to the logistics of accommodating and feeding the victims of the 2019 spring flooding. The CAQ refused to consent to adopting the motion.

The motion read as follows: “That the National Assembly recall that over 10,000 people were evacuated in the wake of the 2019 spring flooding;

That it recall that due to the absence of an agreement between the Red Cross and the Government of Quebec, and contrary to 2017, municipalities must make individual agreements with the Red Cross to ensure services are provided to flood victims;

That it recall that the cost of accommodations, food and care for these people represents a major expense and significant logistic pressure on Quebec’s affected municipalities;

That it ask the CAQ government to take responsibility for all expenses related to the logistics of accommodating and feeding the victims of the 2019 spring flooding.”

The MNA representing Vaudreuil was disappointed that the CAQ government refused to consent to adopting such an important motion, and is concerned about the financial repercussions that cities will have to shoulder.

The victims of the spring flooding have been experiencing extreme stress for many weeks and despite all of the municipalities’ good intentions, the repercussions are just too significant a burden for them to shoulder alone. In exceptional circumstances, the government needs to step in and do the right thing to support the municipalities and their flood victims.

—Marie-Claude Nichols, MNA representing Vaudreuil and Official Opposition Critic for Municipal Affairs