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Press release
4 December 2017

33rd Members’ Convention – A Historic Event for the Quebec Liberal Party with the Participation of More Than 1 400 Members

33rd Members’ Convention and 150th anniversary of the Quebec Liberal Party

More than 1 400 Liberal members gathered to decide on the Quebec Liberal Party’s (QLP) policy directions and to celebrate the 150th anniversary of their political party for 3 days on November 24, 25 and 26, 2017.

Defining the Quebec Liberal Party’s platform for the 2018 general election

Virtually all the proposals in the Framework resolution and many regional resolutions were adopted by the members during the weekend. These include, for example, the creation of a network of Innovation Hubs in each of Quebec’s regions; the issue of family-study-work balance; the achievement of gender parity (40 – 60%) within the National Assembly; and the use of new technologies to increase citizen participation.

Pour voir la Résolution-cadre telle qu’adoptée, cliquez ici 

Pour voir les résolutions à caractère politique telles qu’adoptées, cliquez ici

The development of resolutions began many months ago, both within the Party’s Permanent Committees and in each of the Liberal Riding Associations throughout Quebec. They especially progressed through a series of 13 regional symposia and a General Council held this spring. These resolutions will serve to outline the next QLP electoral platform.

As members of our great party, you are the bridge between the aspirations of some and the progress of all. You are the channel through which a hope becomes a resolution. And a resolution becomes a platform. And a platform becomes a government. It is in this way that great parties move great societies forward. It is you, the members, who give momentum to the wheel of progress.

– Philippe Couillard

Mon allocution au 33e Congrès des membres du Parti libéral du …

Mon allocution au 33e Congrès des membres du Parti libéral du QuébecOui, notre bilan est solide. Oui, nous pouvons en être fiers, mais notre bilan, c'est surtout la fondation sur laquelle peut et doit reposer notre vision de l'avenir. En fin de semaine, tournons-nous vers l'avenir.

Posted by Philippe Couillard on Friday, November 24, 2017

Quebec Liberal Party 150th Anniversary Celebrations

Throughout the event, celebrations were held to commemorate the 150th anniversary of the Quebec Liberal Party. Participants had the opportunity to celebrate this key moment in the life of their Party in particular by enjoying:

  • The exhibition of objects and photos;

33e Congrès des membres et célébrations du 150e anniversaire du Parti libéral du Québec, les 24, 25 et 26 novembre 2017📸 Patrick Lauzon, FOTOimage

Posted by Parti libéral du Québec on Thursday, November 30, 2017


  • Speeches by historic figures;
  • The launch of the book 150 Years of Revolutions, Great and Small;
  • The special event held on Saturday evening.

For this exceptional event, in addition to the presence of the Leader of the QLP and Premier Philippe Couillard, two former Leaders were present: Jean Charest and Jean-Marc Fournier, while Daniel Johnson, absent for personal reasons, sent a video recording for participants.

Citing the ideas and the dynamism of the Liberal members as the source of the Quebec Liberal Party’s longevity, Philippe Couillard wanted to thank participants for their important contribution to the advancement of Quebec during this event:

Thank you for your commitment. Thank you for your love of Quebec. We have celebrated our 150th anniversary. We have demonstrated that it was Liberal governments that brought these new Quebecs to life, marking each period of our history. We have made history. And we will do so in the future once again. You are part of the Party that has built Quebec. Be proud of your commitment. I am proud to count on you. We should be proud of the Quebec Liberal Party.

– Philippe Couillard


Allocution de clôture du 33e Congrès des membres du Parti libé…

Les Québécois préfèrent l’optimisme au pessimisme. L’espoir au doute.Le rassemblement à la division.L’impossible, c’est ce qui n’a pas encore été fait. Notre histoire est remplie des impossibilités d’hier que nous avons rendues possibles aujourd’hui.C’est le temps de foncer.À nouveau.C’est le temps de foncer ensemble.Encore une fois.C’est le temps de bâtir un nouveau Québec.Visionnez mon allocution de clôture du 33e Congrès des membres du Parti libéral du Québec.

Posted by Philippe Couillard on Sunday, November 26, 2017


The election of members to elective positions within the Quebec Liberal Party was also held. Antoine Atallah was elected Party President, Rosemarie Pereira Vice-President, Mohammed Barhone President of the Cultural Communities Committee, Miguel Augusto Félix Vice-President of Cultural Communities recognized by the Cultural Communities Committee, and Casper Bloom Vice-President from the English-speaking Community.


Lucienne-Saillant and Joyce-Fennell Awards

As is tradition, certain members were presented with the Lucienne-Saillant award for their exceptional commitment.
Recipient from the East: Donald Bubar
Recipients from the West: Jean-Guy and Raymonde Pelletier

In addition, an association earned the Joyce-Fennell award for the first time. The Joyce-Fennell award serves to underline the work of a riding association that has been exemplary in its ability to recruit new members and retain its current members.
Recipient: The Montarville Riding Association


Pour télécharger au format PDF le discours d’ouverture de Philippe Couillard, cliquez ici.
Pour télécharger au format PDF l’allocution de Philippe Couillard lors de la soirée des célébrations du 150e anniversaire, cliquez ici.
To read the closing speech of the Premier of Quebec during the 33rd Members’ convention click here.