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Best practices forum on users, long-term care facilities and home support
QUÉBEC CITY, May 14, 2018 – As part of the best practices forum on users, long-term care facilities and home support, Gaétan Barrette, Minister of Health and Social Services, and Francine Charbonneau, Minister responsible for Seniors and Anti-Bullying, announced today that the Fondation Sunny D. Extrême will receive $1.7 million over 4 years for the Sunny Action project, an initiative designed to break the isolation of people living in residential and long-term care facilities (CHSLDs) and to foster intergenerational connections.
The Sunny Action project has been implemented in 15 CHSLDs in the territory of the Centre intégré universitaire de santé et des services sociaux de la Mauricie-et-du-Centre-du-Québec (CIUSSS). It consists of inviting young people aged 12 to 17 to volunteer at least three hours of their time per week with seniors during the summer. The funding will support the deployment of the project in other Québec regions.
This project is an excellent example of an initiative that improves our social fabric and interactions between generations. It also encourages the involvement and development of young people, while promoting the well-being of the institutionalized elderly, who often experience loneliness. I am very proud to be able to contribute to this project’s implementation in other regions of Quebec with this financial support.
– Gaétan Barrette, Minister of Health and Social Services
I am delighted that an initiative as promising as this one can spread throughout Quebec and be established in many communities, in a spirit that encourages sharing and social cohesion. The project established by Sunny D. Extrême brings together the two most distant generations, makes it possible for them to learn from each other, encourages young people to care about the well-being of seniors in their lives and benefits the entirety of Québec society.
– Francine Charbonneau, Minister responsible for Seniors and Anti-Bullying
Key points:
- In 2017, approximately 1,700 seniors benefited from this program, with the participation of 142 young volunteers.