Today at the National Assembly, the MNA for Marquette and Official Opposition Critic for Sports, Leisure and Healthy Living, Enrico Ciccone, tabled Bill 196, An Act to amend the Act respecting safety in sports to establish a Passe-Sports register to collect data on the state of health of persons under 18 years of age following a concussion. He asked for the government’s collaboration to adopt the bill.
The MNA representing Marquette wants to offer better protection from concussions to young people practising their favourite sport. The Passe-Sports aims to compile pertinent information so that parents, coaches, doctors, referees and teachers can all have one-stop access.
The Passe-Sports will be an enhancement to complement the Concussion Management Protocol which was implemented by the previous government, and will be an addition to the action plan for the prevention and management of concussions related to practising sports and recreational activities.
After a career in professional sports, when I became involved in politics I promised myself that I would better protect athletes and encourage people to adopt healthy lifestyles. Today, I am proud to table my first bill to better protect young athletes who sustain concussions, while promoting participation in sports. I’m extending a hand to the Minister of Education, Ms. Isabelle Charest, so that we can study and adopt the bill in the National Assembly, even though it is not a government initiative. Now it is up to her to show that she is truly interested in collaborating with the opposition.
– Enrico Ciccone, MNA representing Marquette and Official Opposition Critic for Sports, Recreation and Healthy Living
It is also important to note that Mr. Ciccone’s initiative has the support of experts and stakeholders such as Dr. Dave Ellemberg, a concussion specialist, and Ms. Natacha Llorens, Director of Player Services, Quebec Major Junior Hockey League.
I hope that this bill on concussions is successful. I love the idea of a Passe-Sports for our young people. You know how sensitive an issue this is for me; I have sustained a number of concussions throughout my career and I have taken part in research on concussions here in Quebec with the CHU de Quebec hospital’s Projet sportif. By working as a team and having more people like us who are on the same page, we will be able to reach our shared goal. It’s something that is good for our young people, for their futures and especially for ensuring that they can continue to play the sports they love.
– Simon Gagné, former player in the NHL
Passe-Sports Highlights:
- Ensuring that young people are protected from the sport, from him or herself, as well as from parents or coaches that push athletes to return to practising sports too quickly;
- Avoiding young people practising a sport that could exacerbate their situation;
- Avoiding multiple concussions;
- Reassuring parents.