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Communiqué de presse
13 June 2020

End of Session Summary: A Constructive Opposition Defending Quebecers’ Interests

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The parliamentary session drew to a close today and the leader of the Quebec Liberal Party spent the last few weeks demonstrating the importance of a rigorous official opposition when it comes to respecting democratic, environmental and ethical standards. Thanks to the Liberals team’s work, Quebecers were able to be heard by the government and, most importantly, they made significant strides as regards their quality of life.  

The Coalition Avenir Québec has been in power for too long now and it is plain to see that our expectations have not been met. François Legault’s approach proved once again poorly thought out and authoritarian, which led to him having to backtrack on a number of political decisions. It is time for him to work in the best interests of all Quebecers and to accept the numerous proposals that we have submitted to him to help the economy recover in all four corners of Quebec.

Since parliamentary proceedings have resumed, we haven’t just sat with our arms folded across our chests waiting for the government to present its economic recovery plans. On the contrary, we questioned the government every day about its political decisions, we called for direct support to save our SMEs and we shed light on a number of governmental contradictions that made Quebecers doubt the government’s willingness to put public health experts’ opinions before politics. At the same time, we proposed measures to drive Quebec further, like our bill on ratio projects or our bill to support our entrepreneurs and farmers when it comes to their mental health. We are convinced that these projects will considerably improve Quebecers’ lives and that is what being an official opposition is all about.

 Dominique Anglade, Leader of the Quebec Liberal Party

The Quebec Liberal Party will continue to defend those overlooked by the government and be the voice for our regions thanks to our inclusive vision which has been part of Quebecers’ lives for the past 153 years and within which everyone can fulfill their potential. 

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