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En route towards the 2018 general election
Montreal, July 24, 2018. —Surrounded by many party members and supporters, Eric Ouellette became the official candidate for the Quebec Liberal Party in the riding of Pointe-aux-Trembles, for the upcoming 2018 general election.
I’m running here at home in Pointe-aux-Trembles because I’m passionate about making a difference.
– Eric Ouellette, liberal candidate in the 2018 general election.
Recall that the liberal government restored public finances to provide us with the means to further invest in our priorities. Since May of 2014, over 223,000 jobs were created in Quebec; the unemployment rate has been at an all-time low for several months; over 1,000,000 Quebecers now have access to a family doctor; taxes have decreased; and major investments have been made, particularly in the health care and education sectors.
Let’s work together, stand shoulder to shoulder and create the political surprise of the year by making Pointe-aux-Trembles, a liberal riding.
– Eric Ouellette, liberal candidate in the 2018 general election.