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Communiqué de presse
8 September 2022

Free lunchtime supervision at school

Some students only stay at school at lunchtime and their parents are forced to pay significant sums for their supervision. In certain situations, distance or access to school transportation requires families to use this service.

Over the past years, we have witnessed parents paying over $1,400 for a child who brings their own lunch to eat at school. The Quebec Liberal Party believes that fees for child care services at lunchtime in elementary schools should be abolished.

With this measure, public schools will truly become public and accessible. True to its fundamental values, the QLP is committed to offering all children the same opportunities.
The QLP will fully compensate service centres and school boards for this measure.

With the rising cost of living hitting families with full force, we have an obligation to offer them assistance. For a family with two children who only use childcare services at lunchtime, this measure represents $1,500 more in their pockets each year! Public school needs to remain accessible to everyone.

– Dominique Anglade, Leader of the Quebec Liberal Party