The new funding formula will provide to centres de la petite enfance (CPEs) and to daycare centres the financial resources necessary to offer high-quality daycare services in accordance with the legal and regulatory requirements of the Ministry of Families (for example, educator-child ratios, presence of trained child care providers, meals and snacks that respect the Canada Food Guide, access to pedagogical materials and application of the Ministry’s educational program).
The financial effort required of daycare centres for the 2016-2017 fiscal year is $120 million in recurring funding. It should be noted that a portion of this amount, $74 million, has already been brought in by daycare centres over the course of the 2015-2016 fiscal year.
QUEBEC CITY, February 23, 2016. – The Minister of Education, Recreation and Sport, Minister of Families and Minister responsible for the Gaspésie-Îles-de-la-Madeleine region, Mr. Sébastien Proulx, is delighted to announce a new funding mechanism for subsidized daycare services. As a result of discussions which took place over the last few weeks with the provincial associations representing daycare centres – including the Conseil québécois des services de garde éducatifs à l’enfance (CQSGEE), the Association des garderies privées du Québec (AGPQ), the Rassemblement des garderies privées du Québec (RGPQ) and the Association Québécoise des centres de la petite enfance (AQCPE) – the guiding principles of a new funding formula can be applied as of April 1, 2016. This new model will be fair and equitable, but will ensure the long-term viability, quality and safety of services offered to families in the Quebec daycare network, while respecting the budgetary targets established by the Government of Quebec.
For the first time in 20 years, the Government of Quebec is renewing the funding structure for CPEs and subsidized daycare centres. I am pleased with the openness shown and the efforts made by the associations which represent CPEs and daycare centres.
Today, we are announcing a stable funding model that will allow these facilities to foresee how much funding they will receive for every year until 2019. We have achieved these results because of the leadership demonstrated by our partners, the provincial associations representing CPEs and daycare centres, who worked with the government to find solutions to ensure the long-term viability of a high-quality daycare network. I would like to thank them for their efforts.
– Sébastien Proulx
The new funding mechanism provides for:
- Distinct standards for CPEs and for daycare centres with regard to direct services to families which respect the legal and regulatory requirements;
- The indexation of the subsidy for the purchase of food, taking into account increases in the consumer price index;
- The continuation of financial assistance for particular clienteles (children with disabilities and children from disadvantaged backgrounds);
- New grants for part-time care in small facilities containing 32 daycare spaces or fewer, which are located in municipalities having fewer than 5000 residents;
- Increases in grants dedicated to facilities improvement.
A grant to facilitate the transition
In order to facilitate the transition to the new, more efficient, funding model, a lump sum grant of a total of $60 million will be allocated to CPEs and to subsidized daycare centres throughout Quebec. This will help them to obtain training and have access to management tools, in order to improve the CPE and daycare network and to ensure that children receive high-quality child care services. This grant is designed to improve direct services to children and must not be used for salary increases for employees. As a result, CPEs and daycare centres will be required to account to the Ministry of Families for the use of these funds.
A renewed partnership
The implementation of this new funding mechanism will reflect the Government of Quebec’s desire to offer to Quebec’s families a generous family policy while using public funds wisely.
Today’s announcement is good news for the families of Quebec. As a result of the cooperation of the provincial associations, working together, we have entered into an agreement which will guarantee adequate funding for the daycare network while allowing the network to fulfill its primary mandate – offering high-quality child care services.
– Sébastien Proulx