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Quebec’s environmental leadership was acknowledged at the United Nations Conference on Climate Change in Madrid. The Programme de coopération climatique internationale (PCCI) du Québec (Quebec’s International Climate Cooperation Program) was selected as a winner of the United Nations Global Climate Action Award from among 670 international candidates.
This program, which is funded by the Fonds vert, was established in 2016 by Liberal Premier Mr. Philippe Couillard, following the Paris Conference on Climate Change. It seeks to support Francophone countries from Africa to the West Indies in their efforts to bolster their capacity to adapt to the impacts of climate change and limit their greenhouse gas emissions. So far, two calls for projects have led to $18 million dollars in investments, which supported 23 environmental projects led by Quebecers in thirteen countries throughout the world, including Haiti, Burkina Faso, Senegal and many others.
The PCCI is the first international climate cooperation program to be exclusively funded by a carbon market. It also offers an opportunity to showcase Quebec’s leadership in the fight against climate change on the international stage and highlight the expertise within its private sector, civil society and its research and teaching institutions.
It’s through programs like these that Quebec can lead the way, showcase itself on the international stage and make a real difference in the fight against climate change. In 2016, Quebec was lauded by some of the biggest global voices for its creation of the International Climate Cooperation Program. Al Gore was among those who praised the leadership demonstrated by then Premier Philippe Couillard. Quebec must continue to show climate leadership on the international stage and allow its expertise to shine throughout the world.
–Ms. Marie Montpetit, MNA representing Maurice-Richard and Official Opposition Critic for Environment and the Fight Against Climate Change.