Avec @SebastienProulx pour annoncer @LaCLEFtv, un projet développé par @telequebec qui offre aux parents des outils pour accompagner leur enfant dans l’apprentissage de la lecture, de l’écriture et des mathématiques. #EduQC #CultureQc #PolQC pic.twitter.com/6DoccdF77b
— Marie Montpetit (@Marie_Montpetit) January 24, 2018
#LaCLEF, un outil développé par @telequebec en collabo avec @TammyVerge, @GenJette, @pouvoirdelire et @CloutierMartin pour soutenir les familles en littératie et numératie. Parce que l’éducation c’est tout au long de la vie #EduQC #PolQC pic.twitter.com/LHtg2DlEhL
— Sébastien Proulx (@SebastienProulx) January 24, 2018
Montréal, January 24, 2018. –La CLEF, a project that will give parents tools to support their children as they learn to read, write and count, was launched today by Sébastien Proulx, Minister of Education, Recreation and Sports and Minister responsible for the Capitale-Nationale region, and Marie Montpetit, Minister of Culture and Communications and Minister responsible for the Protection and Promotion of the French Language, with Marie Collin, CEO of Télé-Québec. This digital family literacy project is made possible thanks to an investment of $1 million by the Ministère de l’Éducation et de l’Enseignement Supérieur.
La CLEF, an acronym for Compter, Lire et Écrire en Famille (“counting, reading and writing as a family”), offers interactive, fun, educational content that is available online and through social media. Through short videos, a fictional web series, games and contests, parents will acquire simple yet fun tips and tricks that they can use to help their 5- to 8-year-olds. In addition to offering original content designed by specialists, La CLEF will direct parents to resources available in their area.
Content development for La CLEF is based on the expertise of literacy organizations, results from academic reports and opinions from discussion groups with parents, teachers and school counsellors. The project is led by four contributors: comedian Martin Cloutier, actress Tammy Verge, blogger Geneviève Jetté and Julie Provencher, a doctoral student in reading didactic methods.
The ability to read, write and count is essential to educational success. Children’s introduction to reading, writing and arithmetic by their parents, from an early age, actively contributes to their success. However, many parents report that they do not feel competent when it comes to supporting their children in literacy and math. Our government has partnered with Télé-Québec in order to encourage and support parents by creating La CLEF. Thanks to this project, parents will be better equipped and will have access to a supportive community of parents, teachers and professionals who, like them, take their children’s success to heart.
– Sébastien Proulx, Minister of Education, Leisure and Sports and Minister responsible for the Capitale-Nationale region
With La CLEF, parents will find simple and effective tools to help them participate in their children’s academic success, while emphasizing the pleasure of reading and cultural discovery. This major project will help all stakeholders support children’s learning from the moment they start school. La CLEF aligns perfectly with Télé-Québec’s mission, which is to foster the love of knowledge, encourage learning and promote cultural life. I would like to congratulate and thank the entire team that helped implement this innovative project.
– Marie Montpetit, Minister of Culture and Communications and Minister responsible for the Protection and Promotion of the French Language
Télé-Québec is happy to have been mandated by the Ministère de l’Éducation with creating a family literacy project and is proud to offer parents across Quebec content that will have a meaningful and positive effect on their everyday lives. Through La CLEF : Compter, Lire et Écrire en Famille, Télé-Québec is positioning itself as a leader in youth and family content and loudly affirming its educational and cultural mandate.
– Marie Collin, CEO of Télé-Québec
Key facts:
- This project is part of the Policy on Educational Success and the strategy for educational services for children aged 0 to 8, Tout pour nos enfants, which launched on January 16.
- The Policy on Educational Success and the Tout pour nos enfants strategy provide concrete actions that will help all the children of Quebec acquire essential skills in reading, writing and arithmetic before the end of the Second Grade.