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Transportation electrification
QUÉBEC CITY, May 15, 2018 – Today, Minister Pierre Moreau introduced a bill to the National Assembly to promote the establishment of a public fast-charging service for electric vehicles. The government hopes this will give it the means to achieve the goals that it clearly expressed in the 2030 Energy Policy and in the 2030 sustainable mobility policy.
The bill is, among other things, part of an effort to make vehicles greener and thus reduce greenhouse gas emissions. It aims to:
- Amend the Hydro-Québec Act to allow the government to set the rates, by regulation, for a public fast-charging service for electric vehicles; and
- Amend the Act respecting the Régie de l’énergie to allow it to consider, when setting electricity distribution rates, the revenues required by Hydro-Québec for the operation of a public fast-charging service for electric vehicles as well as economic, social and environmental concerns that the government may indicate to the Régie.
If the bill is passed, the proposed solution would offset the high cost and the lack of profitability of fast-charging stations for electric vehicles, while ensuring the rapid deployment and durability of such a public service. It will reconcile Hydro-Québec’s actions with government policies and guidelines to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and support the energy transition. Furthermore, it would have no direct financial consequences for the government and electricity consumers, since the costs associated with the operation of a public fast-charging service for electric vehicles would be included in electricity distribution rates and will have nil effect on these, given the increase in electricity sales.
As of March 31, 2018, 24,694 electric vehicles were registered in Québec. To reach the targets set—100,000 by 2020, 300,000 in 2026 and one million in 2030—a deployment of public fast-charging stations is required. However, there are currently about 113 of these terminals in Québec. The goal is to add 1,600 more fast-charging stations within the next 10 years.
In order to achieve our goals, Québec needs to be equipped with a network of fast-charging stations. Consider Norway, which chose to subsidize the construction of fast-charging stations in order to promote transportation electrification, proving that the dense and reliable deployment of fast-charging stations contributes to increasing electric vehicle sales. We are talking about making vehicles greener and reaching the targets set in the 2030 Energy Policy”
– Pierre Moreau, Minister of Energy and Natural Resources, Minister responsible for the Plan Nord and Minister responsible for the Gaspésie–Îles-de-la-Madeleine region
This bill aims to take another step towards sustainable mobility. It is directly related to the sustainable mobility policy that was recently introduced, as well as the government’s many commitments that aim to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. With this network of fast-charging stations, more citizens will be encouraged to purchase an electric vehicle, which will contribute to reaching our target of 100,000 electric vehicles on Québec roads by 2020.
– André Fortin, Minister of Transport, Sustainable Mobility and Transport Electrification
Québec and Hydro-Québec have everything they need to accelerate transportation electrification. We have clean and renewable energy to power electric vehicles that will not produce greenhouse gases, and charging these vehicles will generate additional electricity sales. Water is our gas.
– Éric Martel, President and Chief Executive Officer of Hydro-Québec
Key points:
- The 2030 Energy Policy presents a unifying vision and ambitious targets proposed by the government to significantly alter Québec’s energy profile;
- The 2030 sustainable mobility policy addresses public transit, active transportation, and road, marine, air and rail transportation, in addition to interventions on the road network, with a view to integration;
- The Transportation Electrification Action Plan aims to promote electric transportation, to develop the industry associated with this economic sector and to create an environment conducive to the transition from gasoline- and diesel-powered vehicles towards electric vehicles.
Related links:
- For details on the 2030 Energy Policy, visit;
- For more information on the 2030 sustainable mobility policy, visit (in French only);
- For more information on the Transportation Electrification Action Plan, visit