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The Government of Québec reaffirms its commitment to Do More, Do Better
Québec City, April 6, 2018 – The Government of Québec has just tabled its 2018-2019 budget, which includes several important direct assistance measures for the First Nations and Inuit, representing investments of more than $144 million that will act on several fronts at once with the ultimate goal of improving the quality of life of Indigenous people.
Geoffrey Kelley, Minister responsible for Native Affairs, emphasizes that these investments will help meet the social and cultural development needs and improve infrastructure.
“The Government of Québec is committed to improving the quality of life of Indigenous people, both in their communities and in urban areas. Our promise to the First Nations and Inuit is firm: every year, we want to do more, do better. The 2017-2022 Government Action Plan for the Social and Cultural Development of the First Nations and Inuit and the Aboriginal Initiatives Fund are important tools for progress. I am convinced that our collaboration with other levels of government and with Indigenous leaders is supporting our collective hope to see our reconciliation efforts bear fruit. We will continue to work together so that Indigenous people can live and grow in healthy, pleasant environments and have access to culturally adapted services that provide a sense of security.”
Geoffrey Kelley, Minister responsible for Native Affairs
Key points:
- The budget provides an investment of $14.4 million to adapt services to the realities of the First Nations and Inuit when it comes to combatting domestic violence.
- The budget also provides important investments to renew the enhancement of financing for Indigenous police services in order to provide the same ratio of financing as the federal government and maintain safe living environments.
- In addition, $25 million will be invested so that Indigenous communities can play a greater role in land use decisions in the areas of wildlife and forestry.
- The development of Nunavik also occupies an important place. An investment of $42 million over five years will be allocated to housing assistance, including more than $15 million for the creation of 45 private homes, and roughly $22 million for the construction of three warehouses that will greatly facilitate the logistical aspects of the site. Significant investments have also been announced for the construction of a new addiction treatment centre, which will consolidate these service in Nunavik, for the extension of the Agreement on the Financing of Measures to Reduce the Cost of Living in Nunavik, and to help clean up the hazardous waste landfills in fourteen northern villages.
Finally, the Government of Québec is taking advantage of the budget to highlight that it is closely following DestiNations, a touristic and cultural project that requires its support as well as that of the federal government and the Ville de Montréal.