Investissement du Québec avec un partenaire chinois soupçonné d’espionnage
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Press release
15 October 2019

Quebec Investing with Chinese Partner Suspected of Espionage

Investissement du Québec avec un partenaire chinois soupçonné d’espionnage

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Minister Fitzgibbon Putting Quebecers’ Interests in Jeopardy

The Liberal Critic for Economy, Ms. Dominique Anglade, asked Minister Pierre Fitzgibbon to provide Quebecers with proof that he made all the necessary verifications before investing $30M with a Chinese investor suspected of espionage.

Yesterday, the Minister of Economy refused to list the verifications that were made before getting Quebec taxpayers’ money involved with a Chinese aircraft manufacturer, AVIC, who is suspected by the American authorities of having taken part in espionage of major companies.

Minister Fitzgibbon seems to want to downplay the magnitude of the situation: “We accuse a lot of Chinese people of copying our things. Look, it’s a reality. They aren’t going to change. I think that we need to learn to live with that.”, he declared.

The MNA representing Saint-Henri-Saint-Anne reminded him that Quebec’s main economic partner is the United States. “And they are going through all of our economic actions with a fine-toothed comb”.

If the transaction is as free from danger as the Minister of Economy is suggesting, let him submit the proof he has to support his claims and reassure the population.

The government not seeing the real risk of associating Quebecers’ money with a company that is suspected of espionage is tantamount to being intentionally blind! The government needs to demonstrate transparency and provide us with explanations because at the moment, alarms are sounding. This transaction involves reputation, economic and geopolitical risks for Quebec, and the Minister refuses to admit it.

–Dominique Anglade, MNA representing Saint-Henri–Sainte-Anne and Liberal Critic for Economy