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The Un Québec pour tous les âges 2018-2023 action plan
QUÉBEC CITY, June 4, 2018 – The Government of Québec is launching its second 5-year action plan to support active aging: Un Québec pour tous les âges (“A Québec for all ages”). It provides investments of $12.3 billion by 2023 with a view to promoting the participation and social inclusion of seniors as well as their access to safe environments and the care that they may require in old age.
The action plan includes 85 measures and the collaboration of 20 ministries and public agencies. It takes into account concerns expressed during consultations in 2017 with the public as well as with partners and organizations concerned about the living conditions of seniors.
The Government of Québec has set five objectives for 2023 to respond to seniors’ desire to remain autonomous and have a stake in society, at a time when Quebecers are living longer, more active lives in better health than previous generations:
- Increase assistance for the municipal sector to support its efforts to adapt to the aging of the population;
- Improve support for local and regional organizations that promote seniors’ social participation and help improve their quality of life;
- Promote initiatives to recognize, accompany and support family caregivers of seniors;
- Increase the number of people receiving in-home support services and develop services to better meet seniors’ needs;
- Create new spaces for thought and dialogue between those affected by the challenges of an aging population.
The quality of life of seniors is a top priority for the Government of Québec. Today, our government is reaffirming its leadership on the issue of active aging by presenting a new, ambitious action plan that addresses several aspects, reflecting the multiple facets of seniors’ lives. It calls on communities’ power to act and on the mobilization of non-governmental organizations, so that together we might build a society that fosters the creation of bridges between generations, where age is not an obstacle and where seniors can feel respected, engaged and recognized.
– Francine Charbonneau, Minister responsible for Seniors and Anti-Bullying
This action plan is in line with the implementation and respect of the goals that Québec has set for itself. It demonstrates our government’s commitment to rallying its resources and its partners in supporting seniors, especially to mobilize and encourage these people to contribute to Québec society. This concerted vision is the result of our efforts to continue to make Québec a good place to grow old.
– Gaétan Barrette, Minister of Health and Social Services
In the Mauricie region and across Québec, we have worked together to make it possible for seniors to develop their full potential and participate in the life of their community, according to their needs and preferences. Today, we are taking it even further! I am very proud to participate in the launch of this action plan, which is another pivotal step to ensure the well-being of seniors and create conditions conducive to active aging.
– Julie Boulet, Minister of Tourism, Minister responsible for the Mauricie region
Key points
- Québec is the only Canadian province with a real active aging policy, Aging and Living Together, whose guidelines are inspired by the approach promoted by the World Health Organization: community participation, healthy living in the community, and the creation of healthy, safe and welcoming environments for seniors.
- Most of the 85 measures in the 2018-2023 action plan are new measures addressing issues that include social, civic and professional engagement, intergenerational solidarity, home care services, housing, transportation and mobility, safety, and access to government information. They are intended to improve services, training, information sharing, promotion and awareness activities, support, technological innovation, and the adoption of best practices.
- The $12.3 billion investment provided in this action plan is in addition to the government’s investments in seniors’ well-being over the past few years, especially through tax measures that help people stay in their homes and remain independent, interventions in health and in-home support services, and initiatives in the areas of housing and transportation.
- According to the latest data, in Québec more than 1.5 million people, or one person in six, are 65 or older. If the trend continues, this proportion will reach one in four in 2031. Today, Québec is the Canadian province with the third longest life expectancy, behind British Columbia and Ontario, and it is one of the places with the highest life expectancy in the world.
- Québec seniors have a wide range of experiences, life histories, and living environments. Today, the vast majority of Québec seniors are currently aging at home: about 96% of them are homeowners or tenants, especially in private residences for seniors, cooperatives and non-profit housing organizations.
Related link
- 2018-2023 action plan: Un Québec pour tous les âges