Vers une société québécoise plus résiliente aux catastrophes - Une entraide intermunicipale structurée pour faire face aux sinistres
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Government announcement
26 June 2018

Structured intermunicipal assistance to deal with disasters

Vers une société québécoise plus résiliente aux catastrophes - Une entraide intermunicipale structurée pour faire face aux sinistres

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Towards a Québec society that is more resilient to disasters

QUÉBEC CITY, June 26, 2018 – As part of the implementation of the action plan on civil protection in times of floods, the Ministère des Affaires Municipales et de l’Occupation du Territoire (MAMOT) and the Association des directeurs généraux des municipalités du Québec (ADGMQ), worked together on developing a model agreement to establish an intermunicipal assistance plan for civil protection.

As a result of the floods in the spring of 2017, some municipalities pointed out that they did not have the equipment and human resources required to adequately help victims during a major disaster. To address this problem, the eleventh measure in the action plan stipulates that the MAMOT will ensure the coordination and sharing of resources between participating municipalities in collaboration with the ADGMQ.

Thus, the model agreement that is now available will promote mutual assistance between municipalities. It will also better structure resource sharing at each stage of the risk and disaster management process.


In the context where climate change is making large-scale disasters like the spring 2017 floods more frequent, the government, municipalities and residents must increase their level of preparation and find new ways to work together, particularly by strengthening their partnerships with stakeholders. It is advisable to facilitate the sharing of human resources and expertise during a disaster, both for emergency operations and for the recovery period. The model agreement that is now available is one of the ways to achieve this.

– Martin Coiteux, Minister of Municipal Affairs and Land Occupancy, Minister of Public Security and Minister responsible for the Montréal region

The ADGMQ is proud to have worked on the development of this model agreement and welcomes the fact that, from now on, all Québec municipalities can take advantage of this new tool to better respond to possible disaster situations.

– Claude Périnet, President of the Association des directeurs généraux des municipalités du Québec

Key points:

  • The spring 2017 floods affected more than 5,300 homes in 293 municipalities in 15 Québec regions. They also forced the evacuation of over 4,000 people and the closure of several roads.
  • A day of discussions was held on December 19 last year in order to take stock of these floods. During this day, the Government of Québec consulted the various stakeholders in order to identify solutions to better support individuals, businesses and municipalities during disasters. Victims, mayors, reeves, civil security organizations and representatives of various ministries participated.
  • On March 1, the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Land Occupancy and Minister of Public Security tabled the action plan on civil protection in times of floods.

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