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The Coalition Avenir Québec is hiding important information from the public about the massive Third Link project, in particular the cost, timeline and the impacts on Île d’Orléans.
The government refused to adopt the motion tabled in the National Assembly by the Liberal Critic for Transport and the Conseil du Trésor, Mr. Gaétan Barrette, which demanded more transparency in the Third Link file.
The CAQ is stubbornly keeping the population out of the loop. Last April, the Minister of Transport, François Bonnardel, refused to allow the director of the Third Link project bureau to be heard.
In August, Mr. Barrette reiterated his desire to hear from the project bureau director by submitting an initiative mandate request. He is still awaiting a reply.
Recall that the MNA representing La Peltrie, Mr. Éric Caire put his seat on the line with his party’s promise of installing the first bolts on a Third Link between Quebec City and Levis.
In the Third Link File, the Minister of Transport, Mr. Bonnardel, now realizes that he will not be able to fulfill his promise, so he is looking for any possible issues that would allow him to back track on the project. The CAQ needs to show more transparency by allowing the project bureau director to provide the population with all of the information related to this project.
—Gaétan Barrette, MNA representing La Pinière and Liberal Critic for Transport and the Conseil du Trésor