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Decisions made in our regions, for our regions

D13 – The leader of the Quebec Liberal Party, Philippe Couillard, wants to provide the regions with even more power. Today, he announced his intention to decentralize the decision-making processes in certain ministries and organizations, by transferring the associated teams to the regions where a large part of their activities take place.

Thus, in a second Liberal government mandate:

  • The Abitibi-Témiscamingue region will welcome employees from the mining sector as well as the associated senior management from the Ministry of Energy and National Resources;
  • The region of Saguenay–Lac-St-Jean will welcome employees from the forestry sectors as well as the associated senior management from the Ministry of Forests, Wildlife and Parks;
  • The Gaspé region will welcome employees from the fisheries sector as well as the associated senior management from the Ministries of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food;
  • The Îles-de-la-Madeleine will welcome employees from the mariculture sector as well as the associated senior management from the same ministry.

This is a first step. Decentralization will occur gradually, in partnership with union stakeholders.

Locating the directorates outside of major cities is part of a vision we have already begun and which aims to modernize our government’s approach for regions and reflect each one’s distinctive features. It is this vision that is conveyed by the 2018-2022 Stratégie gouvernementale pour assurer l’occupation et la vitalité des territoires(Government strategy to ensure the occupation and vitality of territories), which, for the first time, will bring the regions’ priorities to the government of Quebec. We want a government that truly serves our regions’ needs.

Bringing decisions and decision makers together, and including those affected, will be another of the responsibilities that will fall to the Minister dedicated to the Regions, which we have committed to appointing, just like that of accelerating and enhancing the completion of digital infrastructure projects throughout our territory.

I support this commitment

I support this commitment

Job creation and investments are on the rise while unemployment has significantly decreased in most of our regions. However, we can do even more by ensuring that this strong economy, which defines the new Quebec of the 21st century, is present in all of our regions and in all sectors. To achieve this, we will focus on the emergence of a new model for regional development, which is dictated by the sector rather than by the government. I have faith in their creativity, their know-how and their expertise. They are the most capable of defining their own priorities. We want to offer them additional tools to encourage the retention of our young people, to diversify their economies and to make sure they have more decision-making power. That will be the Minister responsible for the regions’ second mission.


– Philippe Couillard, Premier of Quebec and leader of the Quebec Liberal Party