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Preserving our family farm model and ensuring its development

D15 – Before members the Union des producteurs agricoles’ General Council, the leader of the Quebec Liberal Party, Philippe Couillard, reiterated his intention to preserve Quebec’s family farm model by defending supply management and by ensuring that successors in the agricultural sector have all they need to take up the torch.

In a second mandate, a QLP government is committed to:

  • Continuing to defend supply management within the framework of negotiations for international agreements to protect our family farm model;
  • Revising the Financière agricole’s programs so that they take better account of natural disasters.
  • Better supporting agricultural succession:
    • Limit the purchase of agricultural lands by investment funds to 100 hectares per year, putting a halt to speculation;
    • Maximize agricultural successors’ eligibility for government funds thanks to a revision of all of these funds.
  • Modernize the Act respecting the preservation of agricultural land and agricultural activities to make it simpler and more effective
  • Finalizing, in partnership with municipal and agricultural stakeholders, the development of a new agricultural property tax credit program; this will occur in the first year of the next mandate. To do so, the work that has already begun will resume immediately after the next Minister of Agriculture is appointed. Until the new program is implemented, a sum of $20M will be earmarked as compensation for agricultural producers.

To these commitments, we add the implementation of the Politique bioalimentaire which was unveiled last April.

Present in all of Quebec’s regions, agriculture drives and occupies our territory. It stimulates and diversifies our regions’ economies. The attention dedicated to this industry is quite particular given the effort and energy deployed by agricultural stakeholders who work every day to feed Quebec’s population.

I support this commitment

I support this commitment

I have always defended and will always defend supply management. There will be no compromise in that respect on our part. Our farmers invest too much effort and energy for us to let them down. To preserve Quebec’s family farm model, we need to offer our farmers an economic environment that is conducive to production, development tools that are adapted to today’s realities and a legislative framework that is simple and stable to ensure the protection of our agricultural lands. Our objective is to encourage our young people to turn toward this profession which, through the fruit of their labours, enters into every Quebecer’s home on a daily basis.


Philippe Couillard, Premier of Quebec and leader of the Quebec Liberal Party