Fonds de la région de la Capitale-Nationale - Investissement majeur de 97 M$ pour assurer l'essor et le rayonnement de la Capitale-Nationale
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Government announcement
20 June 2018

Major investment of $97 million to ensure the development and success of the Capitale-Nationale region

Fonds de la région de la Capitale-Nationale - Investissement majeur de 97 M$ pour assurer l'essor et le rayonnement de la Capitale-Nationale

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Fonds de la région de la Capitale-Nationale

QUÉBEC CITY, June 20, 2018 – A major investment of $97 million for the next 5 years in the new Fonds de la région de la Capitale-Nationale (fund for the Capitale-Nationale region) is being announced today to ensure the development and success of the Capitale-Nationale region. The implementation of the fund and this major investment will enable the Québec City urbanized area and all the regional county municipalities (RCMs) of the region to support local projects that have a significant impact on the territory.

Sébastien Proulx, Minister of Education, Recreation and Sports and Minister responsible for the Capitale-Nationale region, made the announcement of this first delegation agreement today in the company of Régis Labeaume, Mayor of Québec City and President of the Forum des élus de la Capitale-Nationale (forum of elected representatives of the Capitale-Nationale region), and Claudette Simard, Reeve of the Charlevoix RCM and Vice-President of the Forum.

The fund will in particular make it possible to support the entrepreneurial community, encourage innovation in companies, improve their competitiveness, integrate urban development with economic development, promote and reinforce Québec City’s status as a national capital and support structuring projects that have a local or regional impact.

Created under the Act to grant Ville de Québec national capital status and increase its autonomy
and powers,
this fund gives the Ville de Québec and the region’s RCMs in particular the means to achieve their ambitions. They will be given the agency to prioritize which issues and projects to support.


I am confident that this new engine for development will more than ever contribute to sustaining the Québec City urbanized area and the RCMs of the Capitale-Nationale region, which are among the most effective and innovative. With the consolidation of the Fonds de la région de la Capitale-Nationale and the delegation of its management to the municipal sector, we are promoting greater autonomy for the different territories to choose investments that will attract businesses, residents, workers and tourists. The entire population of the region will benefit from the spin-offs of this vitality.

– Sébastien Proulx, Minister of Education, Recreation and Sports and Minister responsible for the Capitale-Nationale region

In Québec City, the future belongs to the bold, to visionaries. We need to take risks, innovate and take action. I would like to thank the Government of Québec, which continues to believe in the positive impact of locally managed economic development and supports the vision of the elected representatives of the Capitale-Nationale region. For Québec City, the payment of close to $75.8 million over 5 years will enable us to move forward with the implementation of our new Vision entrepreneuriale Québec 2023 (2023 Québec entrepreneurial vision). Our goal is to continue the excellent work accomplished with the previous economic development strategy and make Québec City the capital of entrepreneurship in the country.

– Régis Labeaume, Mayor of Québec City

For the RCMs, these sums are added to the available tools and investment funds to support our territories’ economic development projects and regional entrepreneurship. Elected municipal representatives have an excellent knowledge of their territories’ needs, and the flexibility associated with the allocation of the money in this fund will enable us to support the development of our territories in a coherent and sustainable way.

– Claudette Simard, Reeve of the RCM de Charlevoix and Vice-President of the Forum des élus

Related links:


Distribution of funding by RCM and urbanized area:

More than $1.8 million

More than $1.9 million

L’Île d’Orléans
Close to $1.1 million

La Côte-de-Beaupré
More than $3.7 million

La Jacques-Cartier
Close to $6 million

Québec City urbanized area
Close to $76 million

More than $6.4 million

$97 million