Près de 11 M$ pour améliorer la sécurité dans les sentiers de motoneige et de VTT
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Government announcement
27 February 2018

Nearly $11 million to improve security on snowmobile and ATV trails

Près de 11 M$ pour améliorer la sécurité dans les sentiers de motoneige et de VTT

SAINT-SÉVÉRIN DE PROULXVILLE, QC, February 27, 2018 – A total of $10.7 million will be invested in infrastructure projects by various all-terrain vehicle (ATV) and snowmobile clubs and organizations in Quebec, enabling them to make trail networks safer and last longer.

Véronyque Tremblay, Minister for Transport, and Julie Boulet, Minister of Tourism and Minister responsible for the Mauricie region, have announced that an unprecedented sum will be granted to support the off-road vehicle industry as part of the Programme d’aide financière temporaire pour améliorer la sécurité sur les sentiers de véhicules hors route (Temporary financial aid program to improve safety on off-road trails). The projects supported by this measure will be announced in the next few weeks all over Quebec.


We are committed to making ATV and snowmobile use safer and more accessible; that is our commitment to those who enjoy this recreational activity. With the financial aid announced today, we want to give a boost to clubs and federations struggling with safety issues while trying hard to make their trails last and keep their members safe.

– Véronyque Tremblay, Minister for Transport

I am very happy to participate in this announcement, which shows once again that the government cares about the safe use of ATVs and snowmobiles in Quebec. This enables us to help keep these activities fun while providing a good framework for regions where they are economically significant.

– Julie Boulet, Minister of Tourism and Minister responsible for the Mauricie region

This is an announcement that adds to the excellent collaborative work with the government which, through the adoption of Bill 147, has laid the foundation for the FCMQ to achieve its goals by January 1, 2020. This investment provides the support necessary to carry out the infrastructure work essential to making snowmobile trails last. The FCMQ thanks Minister Véronyque Tremblay for her support of snowmobiling, the 200 clubs and their 4,500 volunteers.

– Mario Gagnon, President, Fédération des clubs de motoneigistes du Québec 

The Fédération Québécoise des Clubs Quad welcomes the announcement of the temporary financial aid program for those who enjoy off-road vehicles. This is how we will ensure the continuation of our hobby, maintain a network of safe trails and generate positive economic outcomes for cities, regions and villages throughout Quebec!

– Alain Décoste, President, Fédération Québécoise des Clubs Quads

Key facts:

  • The Programme d’aide financière spécial pour améliorer la sécurité en véhicule hors route was granted a budget of $10.7 million.
  • It was put in place to support the off-road vehicle industry in its efforts to improve the safety of trails.
  • This sum is in addition to the amounts made available through Section I – Infrastructures du Programme d’aide financière aux véhicules hors route – Infrastructures et protection de la faune.
  • The Programme d’aide financière spécial pour améliorer la sécurité en véhicule hors route aims to support the realization of studies, specifications and work on off-roading trails or off-road crossings, the organization of events and training courses on off-road safety, and the acquisition of material to make ATV and snowmobile use safer and make the trail networks last.

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