Over the past years, the Liberal government has shown that it is possible to remain competitive while actively fighting climate change and protecting the environment. Today, the Premier and leader of the Quebec Liberal Party, Mr. Philippe Couillard, announced new measures that will allow us to leave an even greener Quebec for our children.
In a second Liberal government mandate:
- We will recycle more and we will reduce the use of plastic to reduce its impact on the environment by:
- Offering municipalities financial assistance to deploy a better recycling offer by installing a recycling bin beside each public trash can;
- Investing massively to modernize collection and triage centres, so that by the end of the mandate they accept all plastics, including plastic number 6;
- Banning plastic straws in bars and restaurants;
- A new chief environmental inspector will coordinate the actions of green squad of 300 investigators whose work will include, among others, the issue of contaminated soils.
- We will follow up on the Stratégie québécoise de l’eau 2018‑2030 by requiring higher fees from major consumers to protect this collective resource which belongs to all Quebecers.
- The State will do more of its part: 1% of the Government of Quebec’s infrastructure budgets will be dedicated to developing green infrastructures; including the use of wood as construction materials, and measures for urban greening to reduce the impact of heat islands.
These measures represent additional investments of $45M over 5 years. They are in addition to the commitments made to render public transportation free of charge for students and seniors, to develop promising public transit projects in the four corners of Quebec and to enhance the rebate for the purchase of an electric vehicle and the installation of a home charging station.
Recall that, over the course of the last four years, the Liberal government deployed policies and initiatives which support the flourishing of an innovative, prosperous and sustainable economy, such as the Plan d’électrification des transports, the Politique énergétique, the Politique de mobilité durable, the Stratégie québécoise de l’eau and the Fonds vert, while maintaining a stable and attractive taxation environment for investors.