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Press release
9 April 2020

Housing : We Must Reassure Worried Citizens

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The extension of the confinement period, which is essential, creates headaches for many Quebec renters who need to move in the coming weeks. To reduce the stress related to this situation, the MNA representing d’Anjou-Louis-Riel, Ms. Lise Thériault, has submitted proposals to the government.

The Liberal Critic for housing suggests that work resume on residential constructions that are already underway and for which purchase or lease offers have been concluded in view of a July 31st delivery date. According to the Association des professionnels de la construction et de l’habitation (APCHQ), there are 30,000 families who risk finding themselves homeless if these constructions are not completed. Many citizens are currently at an impasse as they need to move, but their new home isn’t finished being built. This restart must, of course, be conducted in full compliance with all of the public health directorate’s recommendations.

The MNA is also proposing the creation of an emergency fund to support plex owners and tenants who find themselves in precarious financial situations due to the crisis. This envelope could be funded by the $1.5 budget owed to the Government of Quebec by the federal government for new housing initiatives.

Ms. Thériault also launched discussions with the government on the possibility of extending lease agreements from July 1st to August 1st. Many Quebecers are currently facing obstacles in their search for housing as visits are prohibited, which is completely understandable given the circumstances. The July 1st deadline is fast approaching therefore the option of August 1st extensions to taking possession could be offered in some cases.

We have received a number of calls from citizens who are at an impasse regarding housing. To avoid families finding themselves homeless, we need to start thinking about solutions right now. For example, the emergency fund could help temporarily house citizens who would otherwise be on the street. Housing is a primary need so it is essential to reassure those who are experiencing uncertainty during this health crisis.

–Lise Thériault, MNA representing d’Anjou-Louis-Riel and Liberal Critic for Housing.

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