Plan d'action pour l'industrie du transport terrestre et de la mobilité durable 2018-2023 - Québec investit plus de 23 M$ pour soutenir la mise en place de mesures visant à améliorer la mobilité durable et le transport intelligent
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Government announcement
1 August 2018

Quebec invests over $23M to Support the Implementation of Measures to Improve Sustainable Mobility and Intelligent Transportation

Plan d'action pour l'industrie du transport terrestre et de la mobilité durable 2018-2023 - Québec investit plus de 23 M$ pour soutenir la mise en place de mesures visant à améliorer la mobilité durable et le transport intelligent

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Plan d’action pour l’industrie du transport terrestre et de la mobilité durable 2018 2023 (2018–2023 Action Plan for the Ground Transport Industry and Sustainable Mobility)

MONTREAL, August 1, 2018 – The government of Quebec is injecting 23.7 million dollars to implement three measures from the Plan d’action pour l’industrie du transport terrestre et de la mobilité durable 2018‑ 2023 – Transporter le Québec vers la modernité (2018–2023 Action Plan for the Ground Transport Industry and Sustainable Mobility – Transporting Quebec Towards Modernity), which has a budget of $118 million dollars over five years.

The Vice-Premier, Minister of Economy, Science and Innovation and Minister responsible for the Digital Strategy, Ms. Dominique Anglade, made the announcement today.

A $1.2 Million Investment to Implement a Data-Sharing Strategy

1.2 million dollars of financial support is being given to Jalon to allow the organization to implement a data-sharing and test strategy for intelligent and sustainable mobility.  This funding will allow the organization to deploy a virtual space to promote exchange and the cross-referencing of mobility data within a single infrastructure, to help researchers and businesses that want to support the development of new products and services.

Contribution of 6.5 Million Dollars for the Podium Transport Program

STIQ will receive 6.5 million dollars of financial assistance to carry out the Podium Transport Program. This initiative, which aims to strengthen SME’s competitiveness, will help support 140 improvement projects in 65 businesses from the ground transportation equipment industry.

Call for Tenders for Mobilizing Projects

The government of Quebec has launched a call for mobilizing projects (French Only) in the intelligent transportation industry. The objective: accelerate innovation and its integration in solutions that will give Quebec businesses a competitive edge and generate socio-economic benefits. The government will invest up to 16 million dollars in this call for projects, a sum that will serve to support one or more mobilizing projects.


Businesses in Quebec’s ground transportation equipment industry have the wind in their sails. They have become an extraordinary reference for their innovative solutions in sustainable development and intelligent transportation. They represent a creative and accomplished workforce and contribute to Quebec’s economic prosperity.  With this funding, we are reinforcing research and innovation, while supporting structured projects that create jobs in Quebec.

– Dominique Anglade, Vice-Premier, Minister of the Economy, Science and Innovation and Minister responsible for the Digital Strategy

The transportation industry is experiencing a transformation toward mobility that is sustainable, greener, more connected, shared and electric. This vision is perfectly in line with Quebec’s 2030 Sustainable Mobility Policy, which integrates all of the elements connected to the mobility of people and goods, as well as the development of the industrial sectors that are associated with them.

– André Fortin, Minister of Transport, Sustainable Mobility and Transport Electrification

We are proud to see Quebec businesses imagining, creating and implementing important projects for the whole economy and for Quebec’s future. This action plan’s measures are an important source of job creation and will generate economic and social benefits for the regions and for Quebec.

– Martin Coiteux, Minister of Municipal Affairs and Land Occupancy, Ministry of Public Security and Minister responsible for the Montreal region.  

Quick Facts:

  • In Quebec, the land transportation equipment industry is made up of 620 businesses, which generate 32,000 employees and annual sales worth 10.2 million dollars. Furthermore, this industry generates 3.8 billion dollars annually in exports outside of Quebec.
  • The measures established by this action plan are also a part of the 2030 Sustainable Mobility Policy (French Only), which was unveiled last April by the government of Quebec. Recall that this policy, which deals with the transportation of people as well as goods, aims to respond to the transportation needs of citizens and businesses on the horizon of 2030.
  • The 24 measures of the Plan d’action pour l’industrie du transport terrestre et de la mobilité -durable 2018-2023 (2018–2023 Action Plan for the Ground Transportation Industry and Sustainable Mobility) (French Only) focus on the following objectives:
        • Support projects and invest in the workforce;
        • Increase the presence of businesses in markets outside of Quebec;
        • Strengthen research and innovation;
        • Make Quebec a leader in demonstration.
  • Jalon is a non-profit organization that accelerates the implementation of solutions in sustainable and intelligent mobility which respond to Montrealers’ needs in this sector, as well as those of the metropolitan area. Jalon, which was implemented and financed by the City of Montreal,  rallies the ecosystem’s main stakeholders, who committed themselves to electric and intelligent transportation, so they can adjust and experiment with new intelligent and sustainable mobility solutions, which are adapted to 21st-century cities’ problems, in addition to sharing the benefits and learning linked to the urban mobility of tomorrow.
  • STIQ is a multi-sectoral association of Quebec businesses whose mission is to improve competitiveness within the manufacturing supply chain, in order to encourage the development of Quebec’s economy. Bolstered by Quebec’s strongest manufacturing network, STIQ acts as a performance activator by creating successful networking and by implementing made-to-measure improvement programs.
  • The call for projects is for initiatives within the intelligent ground transportation sector, specifically those focused on development:
        • Connected, autonomous or intelligent vehicles;
        • Intelligence or connectivity components (material or software) for vehicles;
        • Connectivity equipment and solutions for infrastructures within the transportation network;
        • Software solutions and applications which aim to improve mobility.

The deadline for submitting innovative projects is September 21 at 11:59 pm.

Related links:

  • To consult the Plan d’action pour l’industrie du transport terrestre et de la mobilité durable 2018-2023 (2018–2023 Action Plan for the Ground Transportation Industry and Sustainable Mobility), visit: (French Only).
  • To receive press releases from the Ministry of Economy, Science and Innovation in real time, register at the appropriate RSS feed at: