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The National Assembly Reconvenes
QUEBEC, Nov. 28, 2018 – The Coalition Avenir Québec made a lot of promises to Quebecers and now it’s time to put words into action. As the National Assembly reconvenes, the Official Opposition will have the opportunity to get answers about the promises made by the Premier and his ministers.
The citizens have high expectations when it comes to this government. The CAQ made a lot of promises to Quebecers; promises which will require significant investments. Now it’s time to put words into action and explain how they will fulfill their commitments. The Official Opposition will ensure that we get answers.
– Pierre Arcand, Leader of the Official Opposition
The CAQ made many promises during the last election campaign. Now they need to provide Quebecers with a clear picture of whether they truly intend to follow through on all of their commitments. Over the last few weeks, they have been experiencing a reality check. After having changed or tempered their positions in a number of files, they must now deliver within the time frame, as promised.
– Sébastien Proulx, Official Opposition House Leader
The Coalition Avenir Québec lacks coherence. The Minister of Education wants to invest in our schools and in student services, but foresees standardizing school taxes which will withdraw $700 million dollars from a sector that is already in dire need of investments. And what about the 4 year-old kindergarten that he intends to hastily implement, without taking the time to consult the sector? The government does not have the facilities or human resources, let alone the necessary budget, to meet the requirements of such a measure. The government needs to make responsible choices and take the time to consult sector stakeholders.
– Marwah Rizqy, Official Opposition Critic for Education